Responsive Layout

As smartphone and tablet adoption rapidly increases, so JS Jobs now support mobile-friendly layouts.

JS Jobs give full power to employer and job seeker to perform their all task from smartphones or tablets.

Visitor Can Add/Edit Job

JS Jobs comes with unique feature, visitor can open tiekct and also he can edit job.

JS Jobs send him an edit job link in email to employer.

Visitor Can Apply Job

Some user to hesitate to register before apply to job. JS Jobs offer visitor can apply to any job.

He click on apply job, fill the resume form and apply to job.

Gold And Featured Jobs

JS Jobs give you the jobs listing along with the specail Gold and Featured jobs listing. Employer can set his/her jobs to Gold, Featured or both Gold and Featured jobs according to package that he/she have.

Gold and Featured jobs are not just listing in different layout it can also be listed in Newest Jobs controllable by admin.

Tell A Friend

User or visitor can alert his/her upto 5 friends at a time for a particular job. The tell a friend email template is also available in the back end so the admin can easily manage the template.

Email also have the link to redirect the user to job detail, Its helpful for increase traffic and user on you website.

Job Alert

Job seeker can get his desiew job is his email account. Job seeker can subscribe for job alert. He can add his preferences and alert frequency (daily/weekly/monthly).

JS Jobs will send him all newest job that match with his criteria. This feature need to add cron job in hosting panel.

Built In Search

To find a right job is not an easy task. JS Jobs have built-in job search feature for job seeker.

JS Jobs offer multiple criteria to search desire job.

Payment System

You can charge both the Jobseeker and Employer of your site on packages bases. Payment system is integrated with the following online payment system.

2checkout, alipay,, avangate, bluepaid, epay, eway, fastspring, googlecheckout, hsbc, moneybookers, pagseguro, payfast, paypal, payza, sagepay and wolrdpay.


JS Jobs have different languages its not for just the English it have following different languages.

Arabic, Arabic (Egypt), Spanish, Dutch, German, French, Romanian, Russian, Greek, Portuguese (Brazil).
You can set the JS Jobs language according to your locality.

Google Adsense And Map

Admin can add Google ads in job listing, that show ads after how many number of jobs. It will help you to earn money.

You can also use Google map where the employer can set location of jobs, and jobseeker can easily search jobs on the radius base from a particular location.

Message System

JS Jobs have message system feature. Employer can send message to job seeker and job
On each message JS Jobs send email notification.


Really Simple Syndication (RSS), JS Jobs provide you that the Employer of your site can set the feeds for the resume on your site to their favorable RSS reader.

Also Jobseeker of your site set the feeds for the jobs of site to their favorable RSS reader. RSS feeds setting can manageable by admin

Unlimited User Feilds

Custom fields are required in scenarios, wherein additional information from clients is required. For example, if a client registers his account, additional information like company name, company profile etc. would be required.

This can be gathered by using Custom Fields. You can create different types of custom fields i.e text field, drop down, check box, date, text area.


JS Jobs comes with administrator custom tool including unlimited color options.
Now admin can easily change JS Jobs color using color picker.
Tool give live preview of changes. Also offer seven different color preset themes like Blue, Red, Purple, Brown, Green, Orange and Black.
You can set any one of these themes of JS Jobs according to your template color.

Fields Ordering

JS Jobs have very powerfull feature. Admin can change field order of form job, company and resume according to his wish, just by click up or down arrow.

Admin can also unpublished unwanted fields.

Search engine friendly URL

JS Jobs support Joomla SEF.
All JS Jobs url are sef.
JS Jobs also offer meta data and meta key words for search engines.

Email Templates

JS Jobs send lot of email notification to employer, job seeker and admin. You can esily change email templates using html editor.
You can also add aditon information with email alert.